Tag Archives: The Lucy Diaries

Living with an anorexic cat

Since I’m on the topic of cats (see last post), I thought I’d continue with another post about them. I am writing this not just to tell Lucy’s story, but in the hope that it will help other cat owners whose cats are losing weight for no apparent reason. Lucy, our cat, was a skinny […]

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What Your Cat Wants You to Know – Really?

I am a cat lover. I know you might not know that since I’ve spent many posts telling you all about our wonderful dog Rosie, but it’s true. I’ve owned quite a few cats – my first being when I was around 5 years old. Okay so my mother looked after and fed the cat, […]

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Catch and Release

Lucy, the cat, is a born “mouser”.  When we first moved into our current house, we had a big problem with rats, mice and moles. At the time we had an elderly cat, who had long since given up hunting. Then Lucy came to live with us. As a kitten she practised stalking and pouncing […]

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Fighting like cats and dogs

That’s the old saying used to describe amongst other things, how children and siblings, and couples fight. But, it’s not really true. It should be Fighting like cats or Fighting like dogs. The general misconception is that because cats and dogs are different this is going to cause conflict. In reality, as any animal behaviourist, […]

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